Mr. Wolf's Pancakes by Jan Fearnley
This is a wonderful book with a SURPRISE ending. Mr. Wolf is hungry for pancakes, but lacks the ability or confidence to make them. He enlists his neighbors, The Gingerbread Man, Chicken Little, The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, etc. to help him make the delicious pancakes he wants to eat. However, none of his neighbors will help him. With lots of patience and persistence, Mr. Wolf is able to make the pancakes all by himself. However, when his neighbors smell the scent of freshly made pancakes, they want to help Mr. Wolf eat them. Will Mr. Wolf share? Read this book to find out. This book makes me hungry for pancakes .....and Gingerbread!
So how does it end? I must know before i order it. And also, are there any scary illustrations inside? thanks in advance!
I read this book to all of my kindergarten and first grade classes, and they loved it. In the end, Mr. Wolf eats more than pancakes. However, there are no scary images/pictures. If you order this book, you will not be disappointed!