Summer Fun

This week in the library we got a jump start on summer by talking about all the wonderful things we love about summer vacation.

We read “Beach Time” by Marilyn Singer from Here’s a Little Poem. I love how Marilyn Singer compares the beach to a salty potato chip.

Next, we read Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum by Lisa Wheeler. Students were on the edge of their seats to see if the five animals stuck in a glob of melted bubble gum are able to free themselves before they are run over by a truck barrelling towards them.

Afterwards, we talked about summer rain showers and how they provide a cool break from the heat. I taught students how to make rain sound effects. 

Soft rain– rub hands together
Big drops of rain – snap fingers
Downpour – slap legs loudly and quickly

While it rained softly, I read “April Rain Song” by Langston Hughes from Here’s a Little Poem collected by Jane Yolen and Andrew Fusek Peters.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7/31/2011

    Love your blog! Very helpful and informative!

    <3 Kristi
