Not a Stick and Not a Box are written by Antionette Portis.

Below are some pictures of students participating in the fun activity we did after reading  Not a Stick. A box was passed around the room from person to person. I started with ,"This is not a box, it is a pillow." Then I handed it to a student. The student said, "This is not a pillow, it is a ...." then handed it to the person sitting next to him/her. This activity continued until all students had the chance to say what the "not a box" is. The students came up with some creative ideas. After everyone shared, we read Not a Box to see if any of our ideas where ideas the author came up with.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3/23/2011

    What a cute blog!! I LOVE these books so very much - they are in my top 5 fav. One year my 5th graders wrote me a story called Not a Shelf Marker. It was cute!

    Ms. Masterson
