Ten on the Sled by Kim Norman

This is a precious book that is about ten animals who speed down the hill on a sled. One-by-one, the animals fall of the sled until only Caribou is left on the sled. At the end, all of the animals jump back onto the sled because Caribou is lonely.
The only way to enjoy this book is to have students act it out while singing the words to the tune of ("10 in the Bed"). I began this activity by giving each student a name tag with the picture and name of one of the animals from the story. We read (sang) the story while students listened to what their animal does in the story. Next, we acted it out while reading/singing the story.

Watch the video above of wonderful first graders enjoying this book!

**A special thank you goes to Ericka for this great idea.


  1. Oh my goodness, Mrs. Biamont, this is delightful! I am so proud and pleased to see your students acting out my book. Great acting and singing! I'll be sure to pass on this link to Liza Woodruff, our clever illustrator. She'll be tickled to see it, too.

    Regards to you and your young readers,

    Kim Norman


  2. Meredith Mundy, Senior Editor, Sterling Children's Bks1/28/2011

    Dear Ms. Woodard's Class,
    You did a wonderful job acting out TEN ON THE SLED! The author, the illustrator, and I enjoyed your performance very much. Happy reading!
    Sincerely, Meredith

  3. How cute - love this idea!
